Published July 19, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Drug Selection Patterns in Asthma and Hyperre Active Airway Disease in Children


A prospective observational study was
conducted at Mahatma Gandhi Memorial (MGM)
hospital, Warangal over a period of 6 months. This
study is conducted to evaluate clinical presentation of
various respiratory conditions and to optimize oxygen,
inhalational therapy and antibiotic treatment for
optimal outcome. We conclude that many children were
under 5 commonest age group, suffering from wheeze,
respiratory distress and asthma. Nebulization of
salbutamol was useful in HRAD and asthma rather than
bronchiolitis and LRTI. IV hydrocortisone was
beneficial in HRAD and less beneficial in bronchiolitis.
Supplemental oxygen was most effective treatment in
bronchiolitis condition. None of the children were
receiving holding chambers or spacers. At least some
percentage of the children in the present study may
require spacers in long term use to decrease morbidity.



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