Published July 18, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Types of Evaluation in English Classes within the Romanian Modular System

  • 1. Faculty, University of Bucharest


Evaluation is a vast and complex field that requires special attention to ensure a fair, valid, and relevant process. It is essential to student learning and development, providing vital information for improving the educational process. Evaluation plays a crucial role in monitoring students' progress and providing appropriate feedback to guide students toward continuous improvement. Through evaluation, educators can determine students' level of understanding on various subjects, identify knowledge gaps, and adapt teaching strategies to meet individual needs. Proper utilization of formative and summative assessment methods and tools can support students' development and success in the learning process. However, teachers need to receive adequate preparation to adapt to a modular organizational school system. This preparation includes familiarizing themselves with teaching and evaluation methodologies specific to modules and developing skills for planning and implementing lessons within a modular context. In addition to synthesizing basic information about evaluation, the current study presents several modular evaluation tools used in high school English classes. It analyzes how process-oriented assessment can stimulate students' engagement and interest in learning, thereby contributing to developing a culture of continuous learning.


Types of Evaluation in English Classes within the Romanian Modular System.pdf

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  • Cariaga, R., Cariaga, V., & Dagunan, M.A. (2023). Parental Involvement in Relation to the Literacy and Numeracy Skills of Teenagers. Journal of Ongoing Educational Research, 1(1), 1-8.