Published January 22, 2024 | Version v3
Journal article Open

Supporting data: Niche-based approach to explore the impacts of environmental disturbances on biodiversity


All data required to replicate this study and individual species results are outlined below:

R Code: 

  • Hypervolume-construction-pipeline.R details the framework required for constructing niche hypervolumes and all associated niche metrics.
  • Figures_main.R outlines all code required to recreate all Figures (main and supplementary), as well as summarising data from all species results, and statistical tests.
  • Species_supplementary_figures.R contains the code to create each of the individual species figures located in this repository.


  • Summarised_species_results.csv contains all of the summarised results for each species analysed.
  • metadata-from-Ward-etal-study-species-only.csv shows species metadata, as used in Ward et al. 2020 (referenced in paper), restricted to our own study species.


  • All data required to replicate analyses are located in '', apart from species distributions (which can be found at the sources listed in the Methods).
  • Within '':
    • Study_site is a polygon for the study site used.
    • fire_study_area is a shapefile for the Black Summer Megafires, cropped to the study area.
    • all_envs.tif is a raster layer with 23 bands representing the 23 variables used in this study.


  • Species-specific results plots are located in ''. Within each figure:
    • A: the species distribution (cropped to the study area) in blue, and burnt regions (yellow).
    • B: the species distribution (cropped to the study area) in light blue/grey, and the unique niche space burnt on the landscape (red).
    • C: the species entire distribution (grey box) within Australia.
    • D: composition of the species' niche into uniquely unburnt (green), uniquely burnt (red), and the intersection (yellow), the black arrows showing the geographic proportion of the species's distribution burnt. Analagous to Figure 3 in the main text.
    • E: A randomly selected representation of that species pre-fire niche (blue) and burnt niche (yellow), according to the first three principal components.
    • F/G/H: figures of individually calculated niche metrics as desribed in the main paper.


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