Published June 23, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

New Epicenters for Production Development in Port Cities: The Digital Innovation Hub in Genoa

  • 1. University of Genoa, Department Architecture and Design


In the framework of infrastructural upgrading that the port city of Genoa has been going through for at least two decades, the episode of the Erzelli Science and Technology Park represents a unicum for geographic location, functional programme, implementation process, and actors involved. Located on the hill of the eponymous name, the Park hosts the Liguria Digital Innovation Hub, responding to a need for delocalisation and territorial aggregation of large activities related to technology, production, the service sector and scientific research. The contribution explores how the realization of the Park addresses critical issues related to accessibility and to the attractiveness of the territories, declining the theme of development epicenters from a technological, productive and tertiary point of view.


Project "PULSE - The Port-clUster LandScapE: Developing a Spatial and Design Approach to Port Clusters" (2023/2024) Winner of the Young Researchers Public Notice no. 247, August 19, 2022, PULSE has received funding from the Italian Ministry of University and Research, as part of the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NNRP) - Mission 4 "Education and Research" - Component 2 "From Research to Business" - Investment 1.2 "Funding projects presented by young researchers", within the Next Generation EU Recovery Package. Host Institution (HI): University of Genoa, Department Architecture and Design - DAD Principal Investigator (PI): PhD Arch. Beatrice Moretti Project Timing: 2023/2024.


2023_BM_PORTUS Magazine_45__Giampiero LOMBARDINI_Beatrice MORETTI_Matilde PITANTI.pdf