Published June 20, 2017 | Version v1
Journal article Restricted

The larvae of the European Helicopsyche species (Trichoptera: Helicopsychidae)


Waringer, Johann, Malicky, Hans, Živić, Ivana, Vicentini, Heinrich (2017): The larvae of the European Helicopsyche species (Trichoptera: Helicopsychidae). Zootaxa 4277 (4): 561-572, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4277.4.6



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  • In Greece, H. bacescui was on the wing only at the end of May, whereas Kumanski (1988) collected adults of this species from May to October. Helicopsyche megalochari had its emergence peak in May and June (Malicky 2005b). At our Tessin collecting site, H. sperata was on the wing in June and October [2, 14, and 26 June, 14 October; our own observations and Centre Suisse de Cartographie de la Faune (2016)], and adults of H. lusitanica were observed in Galicia (Spain) from April to August (Gonzalez 1988).
  • Allen, E.A. (1857) Um apontamento para a Fauna Lusitanica. Ensaio descriptivo e taxonomico de um animalculo singular, ha pouco descoberto nas immediacoes do Porto, e que parece inedito. Semi-private print, Porto, 14 pp.
  • Benoit, L. (1857-1862) Illustrazione sistematica critica iconografica de' testacei estramarini della Sicilia Ulteriore e delle isole circostanti. Gaetano Nobile, Napoli, 248 pp.
  • Botosaneanu, L. (1956) Le developpement postembryonnaire, la biologie et la position systematique d' un des Trichopteres les plus interessants de la faune europeenne: Helicopsyche bacescui Orghidan et Botosaneanu. Acta Societas Zoologicae Bohemoslovenicae, 20, 285-315.
  • Centre Suisse de Cartographie de la Faune (2016) Info fauna-Centre Suisse de Catographie de la Faune (CSCF/SZKF). Available from: (accessed 12 November 2016)
  • Cianficconi, F. & Moretti, G. (2000) Silk weave and silk glands in aquatic instars of two species of Helicopsyche von Siebold, 1856 (Trichoptera, Helicopsychidae). Aquatic Insects, 22, 58-65.
  • Felber, J. (1908a) Beitrage zur Metamorphose der Trichopteren. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 32, 473- 478.
  • Felber, J. (1908b) Die Trichopteren von Basel und Umgebung mit Berucksichtigung der Trichopteren-Fauna der Schweiz. Archiv fur Natururgeschichte, 74, 199-282.
  • Floyd, M.A. (1995) The larva and pupa of the caddisfly species, Helicopsyche paralimnella Hamilton (Trichoptera: Helicopsychidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 97 (1), 46-49.
  • Gavira, O., Zamora-Munoz, C., Poquet, J.M., Herrera-Grao, T., Blanco Garrido, F. & Bonada, N. (2012) Presencia de la familia Helicopsychidae (Trichoptera) en la mitad meridional de Espana peninsular. Boletin de la Asociacion espanola de Entomologia, 36, 461-464.
  • Gonzalez, M.A. (1988) Inventario dos Tricopteros de Galicia (Insecta: Trichoptera). Cademos de Area de Ciencias Bioloxias Inventarios II., Seminario de Estudios Galegos, Castro-Sada, Coruna, 45 pp.
  • Graf, W., Murphy, J., Dahl, J., Zamora-Munoz, C. & Lopez-Rodriguez, M.J. (2008) Vol. 1. Trichoptera. In: Schmidt-Kloiber, A. & Hering, D. (Eds.), Distribution and Ecological Preferences of European Freshwater Organisms. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia, Moscow, pp. 1-388.
  • Hagen, H.A. (1861) Synopsis of the Neuroptera of North America with a List of the South American Species. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, 347 pp.
  • Holzenthal, R.W., Blahnik, R.J., Prather, A.L. & Kjer, K.M. (2007) Order Trichoptera Kirby, 1813 (Insecta), Caddisflies. Zootaxa, 1668, 639-698.
  • International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (1999) International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. 4th Edition. International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, London, 306 pp.
  • Johanson, K.A. (1995a) Revision of the European Helicopsyche (Trichoptera: Helicopsychidae). Insect Systematics & Evolution, 26, 321-338.
  • Johanson, K.A. (1995b) A catalog of the Helicopsychidae (Insecta: Trichoptera) of the world. Bulletin Zoologisch Museum, 14, 101-123.
  • Johanson, K.A. (1997) Zoogeography and diversity of the snail case caddisflies (Trichoptera: Helicopsychidae). In: Holzenthal, R.W. & Flint, O.S. Jr. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Trichoptera. Ohio Biological Survey, Columbus, Ohio, pp. 205-212.
  • Johanson, K.A. (1998) Phylogenetic and biogeographic analysis of the family Helicopsychidae (Insecta: Trichoptera). Entomologica Scandinavica, 53 (Supplement), 1-172.
  • Johanson, K.A. & Pham, H.-T. (2012) Three new species of Helicopsyche (Trichoptera, Helicopsychidae) from northern Vietnam, with a key to Helicopsyche species of Vietnam. European Journal of Taxonomy, 6, 1-10.
  • Kumanski, K. (1988) Fauna na Balgarija. Fol. 19. Trichoptera, Integripalpia. Balagarska Akademija na naukite, Sofija, 353 pp.
  • Lubini, V. & Vicentini, H. (2004) To the knowledge of the Swiss caddisfly fauna (Insecta, Trichoptera). Lauterbornia, 54, 63- 78.
  • Malicky, H (1974) Acht neue mediterrane Kocherfliegen (Trichoptera). Entomologische Zeitung, 84, 229-238.
  • Malicky, H. (2004) Atlas of European Trichoptera. 2nd Edition. Springer, Dordrecht, 359 pp.
  • Malicky, H. (2005a) Ein kommentiertes Verzeichnis der Kocherfliegen (Trichoptera) Europas und des Mediterrangebietes. Linzer biologische Beitrage, 37, 533-596.
  • Malicky, H. (2005b) Die Kocherfliegen Griechenlands. Denisia, 17, 1-240.
  • Malicky, H. (2014) Lebensraume von Kocherfliegen (Trichoptera). Denisia, 34, 1-280.
  • McFarlane, A.G. (1973) Five new species of Trichoptera from New Zealand. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 3, 23-34.
  • McLachlan, R. (1876a) A Monographic Revision and Synopsis of the Trichoptera of the European Fauna. Part 5. John van Voorst and Friedlander & Sohn, London & Berlin, 221-280.
  • McLachlan, R. (1876b) Helicopsyche sperata. Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences Naturelles de Neuchatel, 11, 405-426.
  • McLachlan, R. (1884) A Monographic Revision and Synopsis of the Trichoptera of the European Fauna. First Additional Supplement. John van Voorst and Friedlander & Sohn, London & Berlin, 76 pp.
  • Moretti, G.P. (1983) Tricotteri (Trichoptera). Guide per il riconoscimento delle specie animali delle acque interne Italiane 19, Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche, Verona, 155 pp.
  • Morse, J.C. (2011) The Trichoptera World Checklist. Zoosymposia, 5, 372-380.
  • Morse, J.C. (Ed.) (2016) Trichoptera World Checklist. Available from: (accessed 3 November 2016)
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  • Orghidan, T.L. & Botosaneanu (1953) Helicopsyche bacescui n.sp. (Trichoptera, Helicopsychinae). Buletin stiintific, Academia Republicii Populare Romine. Sectia de biologie si stiinte agricole, 5, 425-431.
  • Ross, H.H. (1944) The caddisflies, or Trichoptera, of Illinois. Bulletin of the Illinois Natural History Survey, 23, 1-326.
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  • Vieira-Lanero, R. (2000) Las larvas de los Tricopteros de Galicia (Insecta: Trichoptera). Tesis Doctoral, University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago, 611 pp.
  • Vieira-Lanero, R., Gonzalez, M.A. & Cobo, F. (2001) Descripcion de la larva de Helicopsyche helicifex (Allen, 1957) (Trichoptera, Helicopsychidae). Nova Acta Cientifica Compostelana (Bioloxia), 11, 215-223.
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