Published July 13, 2023 | Version 1.0.0
Dataset Open

GCNT-Plume: Long-term observation of global nuclear power plants thermal plumes using Landsat images and deep learning


This repository contains the relevant code and data for the paper Long-term observation of global nuclear power plants thermal plumes using Landsat images and deep learning (Wei et al, 2023, Remote Sensing of Environment).

Specifically, the file includes the associated codes for segmenting surface thermal plumes from nuclear power plants along the global coasts and the Great Lakes by using the U-Net model integrated with prior knowledge. The file includes the occurrence footprints of core area plumes (the occurrence_all folder), raw water temperature increment (WST) images (the delta folder), mixed area plumes and annotations (the extractWithLocation folder), model-predicted core area plumes (the prediction*_* folders), the mixed/core area plumes and background areas in shapefile format (the sampleAnnotation* folders), and location information (the location.xlsx table). Please refer to the file in the file for more detailed information.


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