Published June 7, 2023 | Version v1
Presentation Open

Dataverse integration of multimodalities with external controlled vocabularies in the MuseIT project

  • 1. DANS-KNAW
  • 2. University of Borås


MuseIT aims to co-design, develop, and co-evaluate a multisensory, user-centred platform for enriched engagement with cultural assets with inclusion and equal opportunity for all as core principles. Dataverse data repository will be used as shared data repository for all MuseIT working packages where different data collections will be integrated together. There are various use cases to archive cultural heritage materials, organise and structure metadata, data, ontologies, integrate data streams from sensors and VR devices. Metadata from different modalities should be integrated without changing their ownerships and include different modalities such as papers, news, articles, comments, images, video, audio and lyrics. MuseIT has a plan to apply AI/ML for metadata enrichment and linkage, and enabling integration of its content with shared controlled vocabularies in order to deliver this information in the knowledge graph.



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MuseIT – Multi-sensory, User-centred, Shared cultural Experiences through Interactive Technologies 101061441
European Commission