Published March 8, 2023 | Version 2
Dataset Restricted

"Basal conditions of Denman Glacier from glacier hydrology and ice dynamics modeling" datasets

  • 1. University of Waterloo
  • 2. Monash University


Data for hydrology and inversions in "Basal conditions of Denman Glacier from glacier hydrology and ice dynamics modeling"

Denman_hydrology.mat - hydrology outputs from GlaDS.

SchoofNoiseX.mat - stressbalance models with perturbed meshes, Schoof friction law, and GlaDS effective pressure extrapolated to the ISSM domain

SchoofCapX.mat - stressbalance models with Schoof friction law, and GlaDS effective pressure extrapolated to the ISSM domain capped at X% of overburden

SchoofPrescribed.mat - stressbalance model with Schoof friction law and prescribed effective pressure

BuddPrescribed.mat - stressbalance model with Budd friction law and prescribed effective pressure

SchoofPrescribedExtrapolation.mat - stressbalance model with Schoof friction law, GlaDS effective pressure for the GlaDS domain and prescribed effective pressure for the rest of the grounded domain

BuddPrescribedRigidity.mat - stressbalance model with Budd friction law and prescribed effective pressure, ice rigidity is inverted for after the Budd friction coefficient

SchoofPrescribedRigidity.mat - stressbalance model with Schoof friction law and prescribed effective pressure, ice rigidity is inverted for after the Schoof friction coefficient

BuddMain - The main stressbalance model with Budd friction law and inverted rigidity used in the paper

SchoofMain - The main stressbalance model with Schoof friction law and inverted rigidity used in the paper

Buddm3 - stressbalance model with Budd friction law m=1/3 and GlaDS effective pressure

Buddm3Prescribed - stressbalance model with Budd friction law m=1/3 and prescribed effective pressure

SchoofCmax0X - stressbalance model with Schoof friction law C_max=0.X and GlaDS effective pressure

SchoofCmax0XPrescribed - stressbalance model with Schoof friction law C_max=0.X and GlaDS effective pressure



The data relevant to the figures in "Basal conditions of Denman Glacier from glacier hydrology and ice dynamics modeling" can be found in the fields present in md.friction, md.materials, and md.results.StressbalanceSolution.



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