Published July 12, 2023 | Version V1.0
Presentation Open

Energy Spatial Data Management Plan for Malawi

  • 1. Ministry of Energy


Malawi’s electrification rate is one of the lowest in the SADC region at 19%. The increased penetration of off grid electrification options has made it difficult to track the access rate in real time. The need for up to date data is increasing as the 2030 target for achieving universal access is fast approaching.

It is therefore, proposed that an integrated Spatial Data Management System for the energy sector should be developed to address the challenges of data capture, archiving, analysis and reporting. A system architecture and entity relationship diagram has been proposed. A work breakdown structure has also been proposed to ensure a more focused and logical approach to the roll out of the Spatial Data Infrastructure.

It is expected that the fully functional SDI will unlock financing for investment in the energy sector. It will also improve the accuracy of reporting of the access rate as per the national and international requirements.


ICTP Summer School 2023 Presentation Malawi .pdf

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