Published April 14, 2023 | Version v2
Report Open

D10.3 Case study report with best practices regarding risk governance and societal embeddedness of innovative energy technologies

  • 1. Hanzehogeschool Groningen


Societal aspects play an important role in the successful implementation of renewable energy technologies such as hydrogen. In WP10 within the Hydelta 2.0 research program, we investigate the societal challenges and learned lessons for deploying hydrogen transport/distribution and application within the built environment in the Netherlands, and how these challenges can be overcome as part of the development and  implementation strategy. In this deliverable (D10.3), the field research within four cases that are in different stages (Rozenburg, Lochem, Wagenborgen, Stad aan ’t Haringvliet) will be reported on. The central themes that we covered in this research are public support, (risk)communication, safety and the experience of safety and an evaluation of the project. For each case, we interviewed local stakeholders (24 interviews in total) and there has been specific attention for the residents, including people living nearby the hydrogen pilot (17 interviews, 68 questionnaires and +- 90 shorter conversations). The results show mostly positive indications for public support (although this is unknown for Stad aan ‘t Haringvliet yet). In all cases, the importance of communication (between stakeholders and between stakeholders and potentially participating residents) is not underestimated, although there is less emphasis on the communication with residents living nearby the hydrogen pilot. This is a missed opportunity, as there can be questions and worries in this group, for instance about the progress and decisions that have been made in the project. Positive attitudes concerning the safety are partly attributed to the trust people have in the involved stakeholders. It seems important that there is a contact person whom people can reach for their questions and worries. Additionally, within several cases there are positive practices with demonstration houses, where people can experience what it means when a house is heated with hydrogen. Thus, the findings emphasize the importance of broad and frequent communication, not only with the directly involved residents, but also with people who are living nearby and are more indirectly involved with the hydrogen pilot. Such communication is also important in pilots that are in the middle or at the end of the implementation phase. Finally, it is recommended to share ownership of the project with all stakeholders from the beginning, and to actually include them in the planning phase to prevent delays in the project.  


Dit project is medegefinancierd door TKI Nieuw Gas | Topsector Energie uit de PPS-toeslag onder referentienummer TKI2022-HyDelta.

