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Published June 30, 2023 | Version v2
Other Open

Planet Research Data Commons program description



The Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) has adopted a Thematic Research Data Commons (RDC) approach as a vehicle for the ARDC and our national partners to collaboratively develop and deliver sustainable digital research infrastructure on a national scale. The Thematic RDCs are enduring initiatives, with the digital research infrastructure capabilities being sustained and enhanced over the long-term. They enable us to best meet the needs of our diverse national research communities in a strategic and comprehensive way.

The Planet Research Data Commons (Planet RDC) for environmental and earth science research is one of 3 Thematic RDCs launched by ARDC. 

The Planet RDC supports environmental and earth science researchers and decision makers to develop cross-sector and multi-disciplinary data collaborations on a national scale.  It will enable trusted data and information supply chains so that research, government and industry users can seamlessly access trusted data and models to inform management decisions and deliver unprecedented insights into current and future states of the environment.

This program description outlines the drivers behind establishing the Planet RDC and the national consultation process. It then describes the vision, the high-level program strategy, and activities that the Planet RDC will undertake during its establishment. The program description will be used to inform collaborations, programs and projects undertaken by the Planet RDC.

Learn more about the Planet Research Data Commons.


Planet RDC Program Description_ONLINE VERSION (2).pdf

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