Published July 10, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Cooperation of Librarians and Educators as a Direction of the University Library's Work (on the Example of Creating and Filling in a Scientist's Scientometric Profile).

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to analyze and summarize the experience of cooperation between library specialists and scientists and lecturers within the framework of the university library on the example of creating and filling in the author’s profile in various scientometric databases.

The research methods are based on the information approach, which made it possible to identify problems related to the need of scientists for information support in the processes of creating and filling in their scientometric profiles; to determine the role of library specialists as information (digital) analysts in the methodological support and intensification of research in a modern university. The paper also applies general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis that have allowed us to analyze the subject of the study properly.

The scientific novelty of the results obtained is to establish a correlation between the information and consulting support for the process of creating and filling the scientometric scientist’s profile and the formation of new competence models of library and information specialists within the research infrastructure of a modern university.

Conclusions. It has been emphasized that current trends in information support and research support indicate a change in the role and place of academic libraries in the university research infrastructure, whose staff is constantly striving to provide the faculty with expanded services and facilities. This actualizes the problem of university libraries’ modernization in the scientific communication system, which is a condition for the development of new competence models for library and information professionals. It has been proved that registration, creation and filling of profiles in ORCID, Google Scholar, Scopus, Web of Science, etc., synchronization and exchange of data in these systems, using the potential of social networks (ResearchGate) require from library staff proper information and analytical support, advanced training in scientometrics, development of new proposals, expansion of the range of information products and services offered, which makes scientometrics one of the most relevant areas of activity of the university library.



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