Published July 10, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Virtual Reality Technologies in the Modern Library Environment: Use in the Conditions of Society's Mediatization

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to study the introduction and impact of virtual reality (VR) technologies in modern library environments, particularly in the context of the mediatization of society. The study reveals the ways in which libraries are adapting to the dynamic digital environment and the benefits VR technologies can offer to libraries and users.

Research methods. A comprehensive literature review and analysis of examples of successful implementation of virtual reality in libraries were conducted. Domestic and international databases were used to collect scientific articles and research publications about modern university libraries and the impact of digital media on their role and functions. This comprehensive research methodology allowed us to draw a complete picture of the transformations in modern university libraries and the impact of digital media on their roles and functions. Using content analysis, we thoroughly analyzed regulatory documents and policy guidelines for university libraries and the digital media space.

The scientific novelty of the article lies in the study of the practical application of virtual reality in the library environment, the assessment of potential benefits and problems, and the consideration of the broader implications of mediatization for library practices and services.

Conclusions. The study demonstrates that the VR technologies’ implementation in the library environment can increase user engagement, promote learning, and optimize various library processes. In addition, it emphasizes the need for libraries to adapt to the mediatization of society by integrating advanced digital tools and services, such as VR, in order to remain relevant and accessible to users in the digital age.



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