Published July 10, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Application of Pseudo-Random Numbers in System Design

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to study and search for optimal strategies for modelling information systems using pseudo-random numbers to improve the performance of information systems and to determine the optimal parameters of random number distributions; to analyze efficient algorithms for generating pseudo-random numbers.

The research methods are based on the application of a systematic approach to analyzing the benefits of using pseudorandom numbers in the design of information systems.

Scientific novelty. The article analyses the advantages of stochastic modelling of information systems using different approaches to generating pseudorandom numbers, and for the first time considers the application of a random decision tree forest for modelling queuing systems.

Conclusions. The application of pseudorandom numbers in system design is an urgent problem that requires further research and development of methods. The design of efficient algorithms for generating, validating, and using pseudorandom values plays an essential role in many fields of science and technology. This approach allows for optimization and planning in the process of designing the system and is essential for validating and testing the system. By generating random variables, you can create different test scenarios and check how the system reacts to various conditions, which helps to identify potential errors, flaws, and problems in the system and ensures the quality of the design.

Thus, the use of pseudo-random numbers in system design allows for randomness, risk analysis, optimization and planning, validation, and testing. This is an important aspect of system development that helps to ensure their reliability, performance, and efficiency.



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