There is a newer version of the record available.

Published July 7, 2023 | Version v8.0.1
Software Open

MPAS-Dev/MPAS-Model: MPAS Version 8.0.1

  • 1. National Center for Atmospheric Research
  • 2. @Google
  • 3. Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • 4. LANL
  • 5. Los Alamos National Lab
  • 6. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Earth System Research Laboratory, Global Systems Division
  • 7. OU
  • 8. Sandia National Labs
  • 9. Berkeley National Laboratory
  • 10. NCAR


This bugfix release addresses several issues in MPAS-Atmosphere, specifically:

  • Fix an OpenMP error in the deallocation of an array (rthdynten) when neither the Grell-Freitas nor the Tiedtke/nTiedtke cumulus schemes are used. (PR #1099)

  • Fix a compilation issue due to a missing include path for the physics_mmm directory when certain Fortran compilers are used. (PR #1096)

  • Fix an issue in reading real-valued global attributes from input files with SMIOL when the input file is of a different precision than the compiled precision of MPAS. (PR #1091)

  • Fix a memory leak for the recloud_p, reice_p, and resnow_p arrays in the deallocate_microphysics routine. (PR #1090)

  • Correct the units and description for the rt_diabatic_tend, pv_vertex, pv_edge, and pv_cell variables in the atmosphere core's Registry.xml file. (PRs #1089 and #1092)



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