Published June 14, 2022 | Version 1
Project deliverable Open

Food Traceability & Metrology Search Engine

  • 1. ENEA
  • 2. Premotec GmbH


This deliverable described a search engine concept and a first version as a solution for data integration along different food chains. Such a search engine will be realised as an open-source tool that allows, based on a research query, discovery, access, integration, and analysis of data and metadata describing nutritional quality, food safety, authenticity, and transparency of available food data. Users of such a search engine range from laypersons to experts, from researcher to primary producers, processors, distributors and retailers, from inspection and control agencies to certification bodies, and policymakers (Figure 33). As an example, researchers might wish for access to data useful for modelling purposes and comparative studies. Food businesses might access the tool to visualise parameters and examine stages they are interested in for monitoring or otherwise minimise, for example, nutritional quality losses, or safety issues. 



Additional details


FNS-Cloud – Food Nutrition Security Cloud 863059
European Commission