Published February 28, 2015 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Eisenia muuido Blakemore & Lee & Seo 2015, sp. nov.


17. Eisenia muuido Blakemore sp. nov. (Fig. 10).

Material. IV0000261296 (DNA HY30) H, holotype, a mature specimen from Muuido (same details as IV 000 261298) collected 15 th Sept. 2013 by RJB; IV0000261 297 P, paratype, a subadult lacking tail; plus an immature specimen (S).

Etymology. After island locality (noun in apposition).

Description. Pale body, pinkish in life with distinct yellow anterior and posterior tips (coelomocyctes as in E. japonica) found in all life stages (H, P, S). Length 100 mm (H) or 55+ mm (P) with 120 segments. Open epilobous. First dorsal pore 4/5. Clitellum weak saddle in ca. 27-32,33. TP elongate bands lateral of b setae on 28-32. Setae ab on 28-32 tumid. Spermathecal pores minute in 9/10/11 dorsally as rounded sacs (one heart-shaped). Female pores in 14 just lateal of b setae. Male pores on barely marked porophores also just lateral of b setae. Nephropores not found. Holandric: testis in seminal vesicles in 9-10 medium sized and larger in 11-12. Hearts in 7-11. Calciferous glands annular in 11 & 12. Ovaries in 12 as flattened tongues with many eggs. Intestine from 1 / 215. Crop in 16. Gizzard in 17-18. Typhlosole not noted. Nephridial bladders sausage-shaped. Much mucous produced when handled.

Remarks. From Michaelsen (1900), the closest agreement is with Eisenia tigrina (Rosa, 1896) from Europe, however it has first dorsal pore in 3/4 and much larger male pores (14/15-15/16). Of the twenty Korean lumbricids listed in Blakemore (2014), the geographically closest are Eisenia japonica (Michaelsen, 1892) and its sub-species (as described by Blakemore & Grygier, 2011; Blakemore, 2012c; 2013) that have clitella around 24-31 and TP restricted to 27 & 29 or E. koreana (Zicsi, 1972), E. gaga Blakemore, 2012, and E. sindo Blakemore, 2012 all three of which differ, however, by having clitella near 25-32 and TP around 27-29. Several of these taxa are genetically tested in Appendix and show matches no closer than 79-84% thus helping to define the uniqueness of the current worm.

Blakemore, R.J. 2000. Tasmanian Earthworms. CD-ROM Monograph with Review of World Families. VermEcology, PO BOX 414 Kippax 2615. Canberra, December, 2000. pp. 800 including 222 figures.

Blakemore, R.J. 2002. Cosmopolitan earthworms - an ecotaxonomic guide to the peregrine species of the World. VermEcology, Kippax, Australia. pp. 506 [CD publication].

Blakemore, R.J. 2003. Japanese earthworms (Annelida: Oligochaeta): a review and checklist of species. Organisms, Diversity and Evolution 3 (3): 241-244 [Available from:; www.sencken].

Blakemore, R.J. 2006. A series of searchable texts on earthworm biodiversity, ecology and systematics from various regions of the world - Supplemental. Second CD-Rom publication under rules of ICZN (1999). Eds. N. Kaneko & M. T. Ito. COE Soil Ecology Research Group. Yokohama National University, Japan. - 3rd Edition (2008): (accessed 13/03/ 2013).

DNA barcode Blast results show match no closer than 85-86% for Eisenia nordenskioldi aff. nordenskioldi (Eisen, 1879) (Genbank JX531498.1 from a Russian study) and its sub-species as redescribed by Blakemore (2013c: tab. 1) that have clitella in the region of 26,27- 32,33 and TP 29-31, thus closest to the current taxon. In Korean Allolobophora species reviewed by Blakemore (2013c: tab. 2), viz. Allolobophora hataii, A. harbinensis and A. dairenensis all by Kobayashi (1940), their clitella are in region of 23,24,25-32,33 and TP in 29-31 only, thus they too differ morphologically.


Published as part of Blakemore, Robert J., Lee, Seunghan & Seo, Hong-Yul, 2015, Account of montane and insular speciation in some Korean megadriles (Annelida: Oligochaeta), pp. 1-22 in Journal of Species Research 4 (1) on pages 14-15, DOI: 10.12651/JSR.2015.4.1.001,


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Collection code
Event date
Material sample ID
IV0000261 , IV0000261296
Scientific name authorship
Blakemore & Lee & Seo
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Type status
Verbatim event date
Taxonomic concept label
Eisenia muuido Blakemore, 2015


  • Michaelsen, W. 1900. Das Tierreich 10: Vermes. Friedlan- der and Sohn, Berlin. pp. 757.
  • Blakemore, R. J., S. Lee and H. - Y. Seo. 2014. Reports of Drawida (Oligochaeta: Moniligastridae) from far East Asia. Journal of Species Research 3 (2): 127 - 166 [Available from: http: // www. nibr. go. kr / download? attach _ path = journal & attach = 2014 vol 3 no 2 _ 3. pdf].
  • Blakemore, R. J. and M. J. Grygier. 2011. Unravelling some Kinki worms (Annelida: Oligochaeta: Megadrili: Lumbricidae) Part III. Journal of Soil Organisms 83 (2): 231 - 244 [Available from: www. senckenberg. de / files / content / ... 83 _ 2 / 06 _ artikel _ blakemore. pdf].
  • Blakemore, R. J. 2012 c. On Schmarda's lost worm and some newly found New Zealand species. Journal of Species Research 1 (2): 105 - 132 [Available from: http: // www. nibr. go. kr / english / event / journal _ spe _ 3. jsp].
  • Blakemore, R. J. 2013 c. Earthworms newly from Mongolia (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae, Eisenia). ZooKeys 285: 1 - 21 [Available from: http: // www. pensoft. net / journals / zookeys / article / 4502 / abstract / earthworms-newly-frommongolia-oligochaeta-, doi: 10.3897 / zookeys. 285.4502].