Published April 18, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Future Prospects of Thermochemical Conversion Processes of Biomass


  • 1. University.of.Natural Resources.and.Life Sciences,Vienna,Institute of Chemical and Energy Engineering,.Vienna, Austria


Producing green energy from renewable raw materials, organic waste and energy crops, will benefit society. Industrial biofuels might be sustainable and non-polluting if they are correctly integrated with the natural ecological cycles. In this context biomass thermal processing, torrefaction, hydrothermal conversion, pyrolysis, and gasification could convert bio-waste into sustainable energy feedstocks. This review aims to present what has been done on the thermochemical conversion of biomass, and what are the current challenges and future ideas. Bio-fuel production through hybrid renewable energy systems. Integrated renewable energy systems can increase energy storage capacity, reduce energy production costs, and improve the quality of generated power. More work should be done on the ways to maximize renewable sources fraction while minimizing the costs, real-life testing, as well as on combining these technologies with carbon capture and storage.


Future Prospects of Thermochemical Conversion Processes of Biomass.pdf