Published July 4, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The Assessment Aims to Determine the Impact of Changing the Initial Properties on the Variation in Characteristics of Concrete

  • 1. M. Tech Scholar,Civil Engineering Dept. Sanjeev Agrawal Global Educational University, Bhopal
  • 2. Professor, Civil Engineering Dept. Sanjeev Agrawal Global Educational University, Bhopal


Nowadays, it has been found that characteristic of set hard concrete is highly affected by the initial properties of newly made concrete. Hereafter, it has been identified by the results of researches going worldwide that properties at the time of preparing concrete affects the performance of set concrete as physical and chemical properties of newly made concrete or mortar control the characteristics of hardened concrete. Strength mainly Compressive Strength is the most significant criteria indicating the long term condition and performance of the infrastructural concrete. Therefore, determination of the in-situ strength and workability of prepared concrete is important for planning maintenance and repair of structures in the future.

 In this work affect of properties of newly made concrete such cement/aggregate ratio, water/cement ratio, workability and density of fresh concrete on the compressive strength of hard concrete is researched.


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