Published June 30, 2023 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Sibiriana: designing a platform for aggregation of the historical and cultural heritage of the Angara-Yenisei macroregion

  • 1. Siberian Federal University & Moscow State Unversity, Russian Federation
  • 2. Siberian Federal University, Russian Federation
  • 3. Siberian Federal University, Russian Federation & Haifa University, Israel
  • 1. University of Graz
  • 2. Belgrade Center for Digital Humanities
  • 3. Le Mans Université
  • 4. Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum


In 2023, Digital Humanities Research Institute at Siberian Federal University starts a working prototype of a research digital infrastructure for the aggregation, preservation, dissemination of Siberian historical and cultural heritage for historical, literary, ethnographic, art history and other kinds of research at the intersection of the humanities and computer sciences — The aim of the project is to launch a long-term initiative for digitization, analysis, and curation of the different collections of historical, cultural, and natural heritage of the Central Siberia (so-called Angara-Yenisei macro-region). The project is designed for research and education needs of the digital humanists at Siberian Federal University and world over, because Siberian artifacts and collections evoke a steady interest in the current literature.



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Is part of
Book: 10.5281/zenodo.7961822 (DOI)
Is supplemented by
Poster: 10.5281/zenodo.8228446 (DOI)