Published June 28, 2023 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

PlasticsFatE Deliverable Report D1.1 Report on selected MP/NP and basic Physico Chem features

  • 1. CNR
  • 2. BAM
  • 3. UNITO
  • 4. CSIC


The deliverable D1.1 addressed some of the specific objectives of Task 1.1, as summarised below:

1. To select a set of relevant MP/NP to maximise the impact of Plasticsfate covering as much as possible the compositional/morphological classes of micro-nano plastics (MP/NP) commonly spread into food, drinking and environmental matrices.

2. To generate and store a bank of relevant reference and/or certified, well-characterised micro-nano plastics (MP/NP) covering the identified classes for use in Plasticsfate and for future projects that will characterise or develop strategies to mitigate MP/NP pollution.

3. To develop standardized protocol for how to handle, characterize, store and distribute MP/NP.

4. To facilitate particles labelling, traceability and detection by means of fluorescent markers.


In response to specific objective 1, it was established at portfolio (1st Tier) of Plasticsfate MP/NP materials, differing for polymer type, source/size, use scenarios, it was agreed the code for their classification and they were distributed to partners for the characterisation. 


In response to specific objective 2, BAM was in charge of the creation of Plasticsfate samples repository, including some primary plastics, some commercial samples and some secondary particles, obtained by BAM through cryomilling/aging treatments. The samples were  checked by BAM and ISTEC through dynamic imaging and optical or electronic microscope characterisation. The endotoxin contamination was tested by GAIKER (a partner from WP3), confirming that secondary PE, PET particles and HDPE commercial sample (Ceridust from Cariant) were not affected by endotoxin contamination.


In response to specific objective 3, BAM developed and tested protocols for plastics milling and weathering; ISTEC-CNR and UNITO carried out an intense dispersability study in order to identify dispersion protocols suitable for characterisation in WP1-3. A two-step process was selected, a general protocol for the preparation of stock dispersions and specific dispersants for the dilution of stock dispersions in relevant simulant fluids (work dispersions).


In response to specific objective 4, CSIC characterised La-Eu doped PS nanoparticles purchased and distributed by STAMI. Traceability was investigated by Raman-luminescence mapping.


The results from D1.1. were shared/disseminated through the participation at CUSP channels/events/workshops, where Task 1.1 partners are involved: Anna Costa/Magda Blosi representatives for Plasticsfate in WG1 (Analytical methods and representative materials) and Korinna Altmann/Dan Hodoraba, as coordinator of WG3 (Inter-laboratory comparisons).


D1.1 Report on selected MP-NP, basic PChem features, storage and distribution procedures.pdf

Additional details


European Commission
PlasticsFatE – Plastics fate and effects in the human body 965367