Published June 28, 2023 | Version 1.0
Project deliverable Open

Sector-specific service requirements, data flows and revenue streams in Cloud-Edge-IoT value networks


This document describes the outcome of the value chain adopter groups workshop wave to discuss the open market opportunities for information, data and revenue streams, new data-driven market design initiated by the European Data Strategy as well as new requirements stated by the European Green Deal.

Participants were invited to five virtual workshops designed for the industry sectors: Manufacturing, Agriculture, Healthcare, Transportation and Energy. Invited experts from the industry and participants of the workshops were asked to present and discuss example CEI use cases and elaborate on corresponding service characteristics.

The discussions and analysis of the evolving data-driven value chains/networks revealed new stakeholders, data, information and revenue streams, gaps, barriers, and potential business opportunities that would accelerate CEI adoption. Additional in-depth interviews with selected experts allowed to capture a more detailed and complete picture regarding CEI service offering under consideration of legal, political, economic and environmental aspects. Based on the collected insights, the first recommendations for topic areas for upcoming large-scale pilots were recommended.



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UNLOCK-CEI – Unlocking the Cloud Edge IoT demand potential in Europe 101070571
European Commission