Published June 25, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Correlation Analysis of Art-education and Educative Technology Tools in Early-age Infants in an Educational Institution of Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico

  • 1. Departamento de Ciencias Básicas, Centro de Bachillerato Tecnológico Agropecuario # 146, San Quintín, Baja California, México.


The dynamic activities of artistic actions made by educational agents, in educational institutions of the public and private sector, are of great importance in the integral development of boys and girls in the initial age. Based on these activities, the infants of this step can improve their skills and aptitudes, as well as their behavior, and the way of acting in their family and in any place where they make activities with other people. This is relevant to their behavior within the family, with their classmates in early-age schools, and with persons of diverse age in the complex society actually. Currently, children in the initial age have the particularity of learning through dynamic and visual actions, indicating that a lot quantity of they, can reply the things that observe in their family or other places where make activities, where a wide variety of infants at early age have experience with the use of technology as cell phones, computers or tablets. This can support to them to be more capable of acquiring knowledge, as long as parents and caregivers of early-age infants are aware of what children of the topics that use with this technological equipments. In school institutions, educational agents are in charge of use this technology equipments with the appropriate way, to encourage infants in the initial age to the optimal teaching-learning process. With this, educational agents and infants o early-age can take advantage of the educational technology resources and materials, and may be at least with a computer and an interactive screen. In base of this, an investigation was made to evaluate the correlation between the use of the educational technology in an educational institution of early-age with infants of this step, and the elaboration of artistic activities of boys and girls of early-age in a school located in the Tijuana city, in 2022, observing an increase in the integral development of infants of early-age of the educational evaluated, with the use of the educational technology tools as a computer system, utilizing the youtube tool with dances, songs and children's stories.


Correlation Analysis of Art-education and Educative.pdf

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