CSRM Level 2 dataset: short-period Rayleigh wave ellipticity in continental China
- 1. University of Science and Technology of China
- 2. Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration
- 3. China Earthquake Networks Center, China Earthquake Administration
- 4. Department of Geosciences, State University of New York at Stony Brook
This database contains the short-period Rayleigh wave ellipticity (4 - 8 s in period) measured from continuous waveforms of seismic ambient noise recorded by 3848 seismic stations deployed in the continental China during 1990 and 2017. Please click on the link to download the constructed high-resolution 3-D seismic model of the shallow crust in continental China.
本数据库包含了利用从1990至2017年间部署在中国大陆的地震台站记录的连续背景噪声数据测量得到的短周期瑞利波偏振( 周期 4 - 8 s )。请点击链接下载利用本数据库构建的中国区域高精度浅层地壳模型。
If you face any problem or issue in the usage of this dataset, Please feel free to communicate with the corresponding author Xiao Xiao: xiaox.seis@gmail.com.