Published June 24, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Music Streaming Platforms in the Aspect of National and Cultural Identity Building

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


The aim of the article is to explore the role of music streaming platforms in the processes of building Ukrainian national cultural identity.

Results. The article notes that the development of new computer technologies, interactive media technologies, and visual arts is an important component of contemporary culture formation in Ukraine. It is proved that interactive tools of communication environments and artistic experience reproduction have gained new opportunities for the formation of national cultural identities and have become a factor of active communication between cultural communities of different countries. The authors of the article argue that music streaming platforms contribute to the involvement of the younger generation in Ukrainian culture, to the development of the music industry in Ukraine, and help Ukrainian performers gain recognition on the international arena.

The scientific novelty of the study lies in the cultural and communicative, national and patriotic interpretation of streaming platform content. The practical significance of the article is reflected in the attempt to find new communication tools with representatives of the younger generation in the context of national cultural identity building.

Conclusions. Ukrainian musical culture plays an important role in the formation of national identity. Various genres and types of music, namely folk, classical, and contemporary Ukrainian music show the traditions and cultural customs of the Ukrainian people through different eras and generations. Ukrainian music promotes Ukrainian culture internationally and reflects Ukrainian national identity.



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