Published June 26, 2023 | Version v.0.0.0
Software Open

Code, Data and Results for "Data driven design of alkali-activated concrete using sequential learning" (Journal of Cleaner Production)

  • 1. @BAMResearch
  • 2. Theseen
  • 3. Ghezal Ahmad Jan
  • 4. Stefan
  • 5. Michael


This repository contains the code, data, and results associated with the paper "Data driven design of Alkali-activated concrete using Sequential Learning". The corresponding author is Christoph Völker (


This repository contains the following files and folders:

  • This file, providing an overview of the repository.
  • Data_sets/: A directory containing the AAM formulations as tabular data that have been used for the experiments in this publication as csv files. The files are:
    • 1_DS_cube_100_1_Strength.csv
    • 2_DS_cube_100_2_Strength.csv
    • 3_DS_cube_100_3_Strength.csv
    • 4_DS_cube_100_4_Strength.csv
    • 5_DS_cube_100_5_Strength.csv
    • 6_DS_cube_150_2_Strength.csv
    • 7_DS_cyl_100x200_1_Strength.csv
    • 8_DS_cyl_100x200_2_Strength.csv
    • 9_DS_cyl_100x200_3_Strength.csv
  • Results/: A directory containing the results of the experiments conducted in this publication. It has two subfolders:
    • Model_Performance_Baseline_Python/: A directory containing the baseline benchmarking of the machine learning models as a jupyter notebook.
    • SL_Results_Matlab/: A directory containing the results of the Sequential Learning (SL) benchmarking with the respective model pipelines. It has two subfolders:
      • MEI_Results_Exploit/: A directory containing the result files for the SL benchmarking with the exploit strategy, along with a Matlab script Plot_resultsMEI.m to read and plot the results.
      • MLI_Results_Explore/: A directory containing the result files for the SL benchmarking with the explorative strategy, along with a Matlab script Plot_resultsMLI.m to read and plot the results.
  • SLAMD_Benchmarking_App/: A directory containing the SL Benchmarking app SLAMD, which has created the SL results. It has been cloned from the repo and contains all necessary files and a detailed that explains installation and usage of SLAMD.


This paper presents a novel approach for developing sustainable building materials through Sequential Learning. Data sets with a total of 1367 formulations of different types of alkali-activated building materials, including fly ash and blast furnace slag-based concrete and their respective compressive strength and CO2-footprint, were compiled from the literature to develop and evaluate this approach. Utilizing this data, a comprehensive computational study was undertaken to evaluate the efficacy of the proposed material design methodologies, simulating laboratory conditions reflective of real-world scenarios. The results indicate a significant reduction in development time and lower research costs enabled through predictions with machine learning. This work challenges common practices in data-driven materials development for building materials. Our results show, training data required for data-driven design may be much less than commonly suggested. Further, it is more important to establish a practical design framework than to choose more accurate models. This approach can be immediately implemented into practical applications and can be translated into significant advances in sustainable building materials development.



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European Commission
Reincarnate – Reincarnation of construction products and materials by slowing down and extending cycles 101056773