Published June 13, 2017 | Version v1
Working paper Open

The HUMANE typology and method – supporting the analysis and design of human-machine networks

  • 1. University of Southampton, IT Innovation Centre
  • 2. SINTEF
  • 1. University of Oxford, Oxford Internet Insitute
  • 2. SINTEF
  • 3. University of Southampton, IT Innovation Centre


This white paper presents the HUMANE typology and method, intended to support the analysis and design for human-machine networks (HMN). The typology serves to characterise HMNs on dimensions pertaining to the actors of the network, the relations between the actors, network extent and network structure. The method supports profiling HMNs along these dimensions, to analyse implications of the network characteristics, identify similar networks, and enable the transfer of design knowledge and experience in the form of design patterns. The application of the typology and method is exemplified a summary presentations of one of the HUMANE case studies (eVACUATE).


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European Commission
HUMANE – HUMANE: a typology, method and roadmap for HUman-MAchine NEtworks 645043