Published April 2, 2014 | Version v1
Report Open

Scientific Opinion about Labelling of bottled natural mineral and spring water with allegation suitable for the preparation of food for infants

  • 1. Croatian Food Agency


Terms under which bottled natural mineral and spring waters may contain allegation "suitable for the preparation of food for infants," must meet certain microbiological and physico-chemical parameters. Values for microbiological parameters will be drawn from EU directives related to extraction and sale of natural mineral waters (2009/54/EC). Values of following physico-chemical and chemical substances: acrylamide, aluminum, ammonia, antimony, arsenic, copper, barium, benzene, benzo(a)pyrene, boron, bromates, cyanide, zinc, 1,2-dichloroethane, epichlorohydrin, fluoride, iodine, cadmium, potassium, chloride, chromium, magnesium and calcium, manganese, sodium, nickel, nitrates and nitrites, lead,  polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, pesticides, radioactivity, selenium, sulfates, tetrachlorethene, trichloroethene, trihalomethanes, vinyl chloride, iron and mercury that may occurred in different concentrations in natural mineral and spring water were interpreted based on results of many different epidemiological, clinical and toxicological studies.  The information about procedures and parameter values definitions for labeling of bottled natural mineral and spring water with the allegation: "suitable for prepare food for infants” were also considered, as well as risk assessment, the values of recommended daily allowance (RDA) and toxicological reference values adopted by international agencies and health organizations. Following all calculations that were made, regarding to the labelling of bottled natural mineral and spring water, with allegation "suitable for the preparation of food for infants", HAH Working Group has adopted the following conclusion: labelling of bottled natural mineral and spring water with allegation "suitable for the preparation of food for infants" is not recommended.


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Scientific Opinion about Labelling of bottled natural mineral and spring water with allegation suitable for the preparation of food for infants_OP_HR_hr_02-04-201.pdf

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