Published June 22, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Design and Financial Analysis of Solar Rooftop PV System in Toronto using RETScreen Software

  • 1. Department of Physics, Sanskriti University, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India


Globally, the depletion of fossil fuels has necessitated an alternate way of energy sources to meet the existing electricity requirement. This paper evaluates the feasibility of a solar grid connected rooftop photovoltaic system supplying electricity to a commercial user in the city of Toronto, Canada. The system comprises 266 photovoltaic modules, each having a rating of 300 Wp and 4 inverters having a rating of 20 kW. The simulation of the design of the system is conducted using RET Screen software. RET Screen is used to validate the technoeconomic and environmental sustainability of the proposed solar photovoltaic system. The results show the performance and financial analysis. The result encourages the use of photovoltaic systems to electrify the remote areas of the United States.


design-and-financial-analysis-of-solar-rooftop-pv-system-in-toronto-using-retscreen-software-sge1 (1).pdf