Published June 22, 2023 | Version N-SLCT-2023-01
Report Open

Assessment of Sea Level Rise and Associated Impacts for Tuvalu

  • 1. NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  • 2. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
  • 3. University of Colorado at Boulder
  • 4. Rutgers University
  • 5. University of Buffalo
  • 6. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
  • 7. Carnegie Mellon University
  • 8. University of Hawai'i at Mānoa
  • 9. NASA HQ
  • 10. Virginia Tech University


For low-lying island nations in the Pacific Ocean, increasing sea levels pose an existential threat. One of these nations, Tuvalu, has already begun experiencing impacts driven by the combined effects of the rising ocean, storms, naturally-occurring ocean variability, and changes in other physical processes. These impacts are expected to worsen in the future, and planning and adaptation is underway in Tuvalu. In this technical report, the NASA Sea Level Change Team (N-SLCT) assesses the available observations and latest scientific understanding to provide information on future sea level rise and associated impacts for Tuvalu. This report is written in support of the objectives of the Rising Nations Initiative (RNI), enabled by the UN Global Center for Climate Mobility, and serves as a scientific foundation upon which activities and plans can be based.

To cite, please use the following:

NASA Sea Level Change Team, K. Adams, C. Blackwood, R. Cullather, E. Heijkoop, B. Hamlington, K. Karnauskas, R. Kopp, E. Larour, T. Lee, R. Nerem, S. Nowicki, C. Piecuch, R. Ray, D. Rounce, P. Thompson, N. Vinogradova, O. Wang, M. Willis, (2023) Assessment of Sea Level Rise and Associated Impacts for Tuvalu, N-SLCT-2023-01 Technical Report, pp 18. Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8069320.


Assessment of Sea Level Rise and Associated Impacts for Tuvalu_final.pdf