Published June 15, 2015 | Version v1
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Bilateral comparison between the FG5X-216 and the FG5-242

  • 1. University of Luxembourg
  • 2. Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying (BEV) - Austria


From June 25th to June 29th 2014, a comparison between the absolute gravimeters of the University of Luxembourg and the Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying (BEV) was hosted in the Underground Laboratory for Geodynamics in Walferdange (WULG). Both absolute gravimeters have been manufactured by Microg-LaCoste Inc. and are working on the same principle even if their construction concepts differ from each other. The aim of the project was to ensure that there is a good agreement between these two devices and to link the result to the CCM.G-K2 Key Comparison held in the WULG in November 2013. During the Key Comparison, only one site could be measured by the FG5-242. In the meantime, this gravimeter went through a major maintenance. It was important to re-estimate the degree of equivalence of the FG5-242.



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