Range utilization slopes as a measure of central tendency and intergroup overlap in primates
- 1. University of California, Santa Barbara
- 2. Washington State University
Animals that occupy stable home ranges tend to unevenly exploit different areas in their efforts to find fitness-limiting resources, while also reducing the risks of intergroup conflict. Most analyses of these extrinsic forces identify their effects on movement paths and home range geometry, but not on the interaction of these responses or how movements might be centrally constrained as a result of competition with neighbors. The range utilization slope is a measure of central tendency and consists of space use plotted against distance from the center of the range. Slopes tend to be linear, concave-up, or concave-down, and are predicted to change as a function of feeding competition from neighbors. To test this prediction and determine the spatio-temporal scales over which the central tendency might vary, we calculated utilization slopes and an index of range overlap for grey-cheeked mangabeys (Lophocebus albigena), blue monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis), and red-tailed monkeys (C. ascanius) in Uganda, which consume similar diets but experience varying intensities of intergroup conflict. As predicted, we find variation in utilization slopes across and within species, which corresponds with the extent of range overlap among conspecific groups.