Published June 15, 2023 | Version v2
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RESISTIRE factsheet: Crisis as a Continuum: Learning from an Inclusive Feminist Crisis Response

  • 1. Sabancı Üniversitesi
  • 2. Oxford Brookes University
  • 3. Gothenburg University
  • 4. University of Deusto
  • 1. European Science Foundation
  • 2. Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Science
  • 3. Yellow Window


As a way of harvesting our collective insights from the RESISTIRÉ research, we 1) propose the concept of ‘crisis as a continuum’ as an essential framework for crisis prevention, response, recovery, and monitoring, and 2) suggest that public authorities at all levels, including the European Union, support and learn from an inclusive feminist crisis response to prevent and better manage future crises. These recommendations are based on the three cycles of RESISTIRÉ research and supported by project factsheets that aim to provide a conceptual framework for approaching future crises.


F3.6 Learning from an Inclusive Feminist Crisis Response.pdf

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European Commission
RESISTIRE – RESpondIng to outbreaks through co-creaTIve sustainable inclusive equality stRatEgies 101015990