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Published May 25, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Three-Stage Modeling Framework for Analyzing Islanding Capabilities of Decarbonized Energy Communities

  • 1. University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing


Contrary to microgrids (MGs) for which grid code or legislative support are lacking in the majority of cases, energy communities (ECs) are one of the cornerstones of the energy transition backed up by the EU’s regulatory framework. The main difference is that, unlike MGs, ECs grow and develop organically through citizen involvement and investments in the existing low-voltage (LV) distribution networks. They are not planned and built from scratch as closed distribution systems that are independent of distribution system operator plans as assumed in the existing literature. An additional benefit of ECs could be the ability to transition into island mode, contributing to the resilience of power networks. To this end, this paper proposes a three-stage framework for analyzing the islanding capabilities of ECs. The framework is utilized to comprehensively assess and compare the islanding capabilities of ECs whose organic development is based upon three potential energy vectors: electricity, gas, and hydrogen. Detailed dynamic simulations clearly show that only fully electrified ECs inherently have adequate islanding capabilities without the need for curtailment or additional investments.


This work has been supported by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund Operational programme Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014–2020 of the Republic of Croatia under Grant KK. "Universal Communication and Control System for Industrial Facilities", and by Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ) within programme DOK-2021-02.



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FLEXIGRID – Interoperable solutions for implementing holistic FLEXIbility services in the distribution GRID 864579
European Commission