Published June 11, 2023 | Version 9
Journal article Open

Effectiveness Of Reality And Behavior Therapy For The Treatment Of Conversion Disorder: A Quasi Experimental Study


Conversion disorder accounting for 12.4 percent of inpatient psychiatric admissions. Unfortunately, there are no proven treatments specifically for conversion disorder.Choice Theory is based on the factthat individuals have control on their internal, external environment and the quality of life of an individual develop and stressor were removed.The main objective of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the reality therapy and behavior therapy technique i-e progressive muscle relaxation among female outpatients of conversion disorder. The quasi-experimental study was conducted from Jun 2022 to January 2023.On the sample of 30 femaleoutpatients age 18-35 years diagnosedwith conversion disorder.The sample was selectedconveniently from three tertiary care hospitals Peshawar. The sample were divided into two groups i.e. Experimental and control group. The SDS, IPDE and BCI were used for both pretesting and post testing period. The reality therapy with behavior therapy technique i.e. progressive muscle relaxation were used for experimental group while pharmacological treatment for control group. At post testing period the independent sample t test of experimental group M=,12.3 ± 3.4 and control group M=12.3,± 3.9, t (28).145 p =.88 (< .05) and Cohen’s d =.04 very small effect size at score of SDS. At BCI the control group M=70,±11.6, experimental group M=90,±7.1, t (28) -5.8, p =000 (<.05) with Cohen’s d 2.0 which shows the BCI were improved after therapeutic intervention.

The study concluded significant differences between baseline and endline period of both experimental and control group. Thus it providesevidence reality therapy can be considered as a useful therapy with profounding improvement in the lifeof conversion patients.



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