Published June 14, 2023 | Version 1.0
Dataset Open

Full database for test results of the BOSS protocol

  • 1. University of Szeged, Department of Software Engineering
  • 2. University of Szeged, Department of Computational Optimization


This database is a part of a research project titled: "Distributed Scalability Tuning for Evolutionary Sharding Optimization
with Random-equivalent Security in Permessionless Blockchain", in which Blockchain Optimized and Secure Sharding (BOSS) protocol is proposed. This database consists of measurements of security and scalability for two sharding approaches of permissionless BCs. For each row in the first sheet of this database, a new randomly connected BC network was constructed using the Erdős–Rényi model. The constructed network is then sharded using a representative Random Sharding approach (RS) and a novel niched Pareto Genetic Algorithm -based approach (i.e. BOSS).  The configurations used for each test case are provided at each corresponding row. Those configuration parameters are in total seven system and optimization parameters. Those parameters were oscillated resulting in more than 362,880 test cases. The second sheet of this database presents the observed Pearson correlation coefficient for all tested parameters with the obtained results. Finally, the third sheet of this database provides some statistics of the data.


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