Published June 12, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. MD, Professor, Head of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the Kazan State Medi-cal Academy Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Chief Researcher of the Research De-partment of the RCH of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan
  • 2. Associate Professor of the Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics and HEP of the Kazan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, doctor of the Department of Traumatology of the State Autonomous Healthcare Institution "Republican Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan", Candidate of Medical Sciences
  • 3. Head of the reception and diagnostic department No.2 Republican Clinical Hospital, assistant of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the Kazan State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Russia
  • 4. Orthopedic traumatologist, post-graduate student of the Department of Traumatology and Orthope-dics of the KSMU - branch of the FGBOU DPO RMANPO of the Ministry of Health of Russia



The article deals with the specifics of the most severe types of  fractures – fractures of ossis talus. Transosseous osteosynthesis with Ilizarov and other external fixators for bloodless sparing reposition is optimal treatment of these fractures. The authors presents own construction arrangement of external fixators and the analysis of immediate and long-term results of treatment 36 patients with fractures of ossis talus.


В статье представлены особенности наиболее тяжелых видов переломов костей конечностей – переломов таранной кости. Отмечено, что чрескостный остеосинтез аппаратом Илизарова, аппаратами внешней фиксации позволяет произвести бескровную щадящую репозицию и, таким образом, является наиболее оптимальным методом лечения таких переломов. Представлены авторские компоновки аппаратов внешней фиксации. Проведен анализ ближайших и отдаленных результатов лечения 36 пациентов с переломами таранной кости.


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