Published June 14, 2023 | Version 1.0.4
Software Open

LenslessPiCam: A Hardware and Software Platform for Lensless Computational Imaging with a Raspberry Pi


This toolkit has everything you need to perform imaging with a lensless camera. We make use of a low-cost implementation of DiffuserCam, namely replacing the lens with a piece of tape and using the Raspberry Pi HQ camera sensor. Similar principles and methods can be used for a different lensless encoder and a different sensor.

If you are interested in exploring reconstruction algorithms without building the camera, that is entirely possible! The provided reconstruction algorithms can be used with the provided data or simulated data.

We've also written a few Medium articles and documentation to guide users through the process of building the camera, measuring data with it, and reconstruction. The documentation can be found here.


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Publication: 10.21105/joss.04747 (DOI)


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  • Antipa, N., Kuo, G., Heckel, R., Mildenhall, B., Bostan, E., Ng, R., & Waller, L. (2018). DiffuserCam: lensless single-exposure 3D imaging. Optica, 5(1), 1-9.
  • Monakhova, K., Yurtsever, J., Kuo, G., Antipa, N., Yanny, K., & Waller, L. (2019). Learned reconstructions for practical mask-based lensless imaging. Optics express, 27(20), 28075-28090.