Published June 14, 2023
| Version v1
Journal article
Contribution to the knowledge of Chinese Gryllacrididae (Orthoptera) XIV: One new species of Diaphanogryllacris from Yunnan Province
- 1. Key Laboratory of Ecology of Rare and Endangered Species and Environmental Protection (Guangxi Normal University), Ministry of Education, Guilin 541006, China. & Guangxi Key Laboratory of Rare and Endangered Animal Ecology, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541006, China. &;
- 2. Key Laboratory of Ecology of Rare and Endangered Species and Environmental Protection (Guangxi Normal University), Ministry of Education, Guilin 541006, China. & Guangxi Key Laboratory of Rare and Endangered Animal Ecology, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541006, China. &;
- 3. Key Laboratory of Ecology of Rare and Endangered Species and Environmental Protection (Guangxi Normal University), Ministry of Education, Guilin 541006, China. & Guangxi Key Laboratory of Rare and Endangered Animal Ecology, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541006, China. &;
- 4. Key Laboratory of Ecology of Rare and Endangered Species and Environmental Protection (Guangxi Normal University), Ministry of Education, Guilin 541006, China. & Guangxi Key Laboratory of Rare and Endangered Animal Ecology, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541006, China.
Zhang, Qianwen, Pang, Siyu, Rong, Pinying, Bian, Xun (2023): Contribution to the knowledge of Chinese Gryllacrididae (Orthoptera) XIV: One new species of Diaphanogryllacris from Yunnan Province. Zootaxa 5301 (5): 575-580, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5301.5.4, URL:
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