Published March 31, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Regarding the Socio-Cultural Potential of Hotel Animation

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


The aim of the article is to update the socio-cultural significance of hotel animation in the context of its comparison with cultural animation and animation pedagogy. The research results analyse the origin, varieties, and organisation of animation, which is an essential component of leisure organisation for hotel customers and belongs to the third type of animation (as defined by M. Smith), ensuring a comfortable, interesting, diverse, and informative stay of hotel guests. The origin of the “animation” concept and the history of its practice direct us to the socio-cultural reflection of this phenomenon, which is also observed in defining hotel animation by Ukrainian researchers, who, in particular, consider it an independent alternative psychological and pedagogical direction in the field of cultural and leisure activities, which focuses on personal contacts between the animator and guests. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the analysis of hotel animation with regard to its broad functional purpose as an important socio-cultural phenomenon of modern leisure. Conclusions. Hotel animation, in addition to its direct functional purpose of providing an organised form of recreational leisure, which ensures a comfortable, interesting, diverse, and informative stay for guests within the hotel premises, has an important socio-cultural purpose. Hotel animation is an effective means of activating the creative potential and involving a person in the socio-cultural environment; a kind of cultural trigger that stimulates intellectual and emotional interest, interest in various forms of leisure, enlivens rest, stimulates social interaction, and provides a wide range of impressions from the personal participation of hotel guests in animation events. Hotel animation is important for the development and education of young tourists. All this brings it closer to related concepts, such as cultural animation and animation pedagogy. In such a broad context, hotel animation requires a comprehensive study by social educators, cultural experts, and other representatives of social and humanitarian sciences.



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