Emotional Intelligence as an Essential Component of an Event Manager's Professional Success
- 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine
The aim of the article is to analyse the essence and significance of emotional intelligence as an essential component of professional success in the event manager’s activities. Results. It is indicated that in the 21st century, emotional intelligence plays an important role in achieving success in almost all types of professional activities. The most common models of emotional intelligence are identified and its essence is examined. Attention is drawn to the demand of employers for event managers who possess the skills of emotional intelligence. It is noted that the formation of a high level of emotional intelligence development occurs under the influence of the relevant educational components studied in higher education, as well as through a favourable educational environment in the educational and cognitive activities of the individual. The scientific novelty consists in substantiating the importance of emotional intelligence in the context of professional training of an event manager to apply emotional intelligence skills in the process of self-realisation and achieving professional success. Conclusions. It is determined that the development of emotional intelligence can significantly improve an event manager’s professional performance. The article demonstrates that people with a high level of emotional intelligence understand well not only their personal feelings and needs but also the feelings and desires of other people, work effectively in a team, can show empathy, and find balance in both their professional and personal life. It is emphasised that employers and stakeholders seek to attract to their team experts who not only have theoretical knowledge but also will be able to integrate into the team as quickly as possible, be flexible to new knowledge, and be open to communication. It is noted that today a young specialist in event management can develop emotional intelligence skills in a higher education institution, which will help him achieve success in his professional activities.
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