Published June 12, 2023 | Version v1
Working paper Open

Ἀντίοχος Θεός Ἐπιφανής. Remarks and Suggestions about Antiochus IV's Deification (Final Draft 2022-6)


Antiochus IV Epiphanes is commonly regarded as a deified ruler due to the presence of coins bearing his godlike portrait and cultic epithets. Many scholars speculate that Antiochus himself actively promoted or even imposed his own deification as a means to legitimize his ascent to the throne, which was perceived as illegitimate. However, it is important to question whether the existence of these coins truly confirms Antiochus' self-promotion of divinity. Additionally, we must examine whether ancient writers provide clear information regarding Antiochus' promotion or imposition of his own divine status. As we will soon discover, the available ancient sources do not explicitly support these notions. Therefore, it becomes necessary to explore alternative explanations for the presence of the godlike portrait and divine attributes found on Antiochus Epiphanes' coins.


George Voulgaridis, Ἀντίοχος Θεός Ἐπιφανής. Remarks and Suggestions about Antiochus IV’s Deification (Final Draft 2022-6).pdf