Published June 7, 2023 | Version v1
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Nemophora Hoffmannsegg 1798


Key to the Nemophora species of India and Sri Lanka

1. Apical third of forewing with light spot(s) or stripes (formed entirely by scales of same colour) contrasting with dark background colour.............................................................................................. 2

— Apical third of forewing without light spot(s) or stripes, although dark background colour may be irregularly suffused with light scales, which sometimes form a diffuse spot, or dark spot(s) may be present..................................... 13

2. Vertex (at least medial part of it) covered with appressed glossy golden scales..................................... 3

— Vertex entirely covered with raised dull piliform scales, colour of which varies from grey to yellow or brown.............. 4

3. Forewing with light transverse band (Figs. 1, 2, 69). Light forewing pattern formed by bicoloured scales, which are dark basally and creamy apically, so that at high magnification light pattern looks spotted. In male genitalia vinculum long (2.9 × length of valva); apex of phallus hook-shaped (Fig. 140)...................................................... N. sporodesma

— Forewing without light transverse band (Figs. 3, 70). Light forewing pattern formed by unicoloured scales and does not look spotted at high magnification. In male genitalia vinculum short (1.6 × length of valva); apex of phallus straight (Figs. 109, 141)............................................................................................. N. phryganeella

4. Apical third of forewing with one large light (white or yellow) spot............................................. 5

— Apical third of forewing with several longitudinal yellow stripes separated from each other by dark lines or with thin longitudinal dark lines over light background......................................................................... 9

5. Apical third of forewing with white spot at costal margin; moth grey (Figs. 19, 20, 80)..................... N. chionites

— Apical third of forewing with yellow sport not reaching costal margin; moth not grey............................... 6

6. Frons glossy, from bronze to golden...................................................................... 7

— Frons matt, covered with raised piliform yellow scales....................................................... 8

7. Basal third of forewing with both longitudinal and transverse glossy silver spots. Basal two-thirds of hindwing white, clearly contrasting with brown apical part (Figs. 4, 5, 71).................................................. N. seraphias

— Basal third of forewing without glossy silver spots. Hindwing uniformly brown (Figs. 6, 8, 72)...... N. engraptes (partim)

8. Transverse forewing fascia with complete yellow band, which connects costa and dorsum (Figs. 9, 10, 73).. N. ornamentella

— Transverse forewing fascia with two triangular yellow spots, costal and dorsal, so that fascia is X-shaped (Figs. 11, 12, 74)............................................................................................. N. fluorites

9. Forewing narrow (width/length ratio 0.25–0.26)........................................................... 10

— Forewing narrow (width/length ratio 0.29‒0.34)........................................................... 12

10. Larger (male forewing length 6.8‒7.2 mm). Apical third of forewing with several longitudinal yellow stripes separated by dark lines (Figs. 15, 77). Frons glossy bronze.......................................................... N. tenuitella

— Smaller (male forewing length 4.7‒5.5 mm). Apical third of forewing (at least proximal part of it) with thin longitudinal dark lines over light background (Figs. 13, 14, 75, 76). Frons covered with semitranslucent scales........................ 11

11. Apical part of forewing dark bronze (darker than forewing base), with long dark brown and yellow lines (dark lines reach wing apex); basal part of forewing without dark brown spots along costal margin (Figs. 13, 75). Valvae in male genitalia fused to 0.3 of their total length (Fig. 114)................................................................ N. manipurella

— Apical part of forewing light glossy bronze (same as forewing base), with very short dark brown and yellow lines between forewing fascia and bronze apical part of forewing; basal part of forewing with dark brown spots along costal margin (Figs. 14, 76). Valvae in male genitalia fused to 0.5 of their total length (Fig. 115)............................... N. mediseorsa

12. Basal third of forewing with W-shaped yellow spot (Figs. 16, 78). Male compound eyes enlarged (interocular index 1.2‒1.3)................................................................................................. N. assamensis

— Basal third of forewing with two large longitudinal silver-grey stripes (Figs. 17, 18, 79). Male compound eyes not enlarged (interocular index 0.65‒0.75)................................................................... N. augantha

13. Forewing with transverse fascia........................................................................ 14

— Forewing without transverse fascia...................................................................... 39

14. Moth grey, with black and white pattern; transverse forewing fascia with white band.............................. 15

— Moth not grey; transverse forewing fascia without white band................................................ 17

15. Basal part of hindwing white or translucent, clearly contrasting with brown apical part; base of RS stem in forewing with small dark spot (Figs. 21, 22, 81).................................................................. N. cassiterites

— Basal part of hindwing brown, opaque, of same colour as apical part; base of RS stem in forewing without small dark spot.................................................................................................... 16

16. Forewing fascia consists of three bands (proximal silver-grey, medial dark brown and distal white); dark brown band straight (Figs. 23, 24, 82)............................................................................. N. griseella

— Forewing fascia consists of two bands (proximal white and distal dark brown); dark brown band angular (Figs. 25, 26, 83)......................................................................................... N. ischnodesma

17. Frons (at least a medial part of it) glossy, from bronze to golden............................................... 18

— Frons entirely matt, from yellow to ochreous brown........................................................ 34

18. Vertex (at least a medial part of it) glossy, from bronze to golden.............................................. 19

— Vertex entirely matt, from yellow to black................................................................ 23

19. Forewing fascia consists of a single dark brown band, sparsely scattered with yellow scales......................... 20

— Forewing fascia consists of 3‒5 bands, one of which light yellow (this band can be reduced to two opposite spots or to a single spot).............................................................................................. 21

20. Forewing fascia wide (0.20‒0.25 × forewing length) (Figs. 27, 84). Male compound eyes enlarged (interocular index 1.1)............................................................................................ N. asterodoxa

— Forewing fascia narrow (0.05‒0.12 × forewing length) (Figs. 28, 29, 85). Male compound eyes not enlarged (interocular index 0.6)...................................................................................... N. chalcomis

21. Medial (light yellow) band of forewing fascia incomplete (reduced to narrow transverse spot at costa) (Figs. 30, 31, 85). In male genitalia vinculum longer than 2.4 × length of valva (Figs. 119, 150).................................. N. phoenicites

— Medial (light yellow) band of forewing fascia complete (connects costa and dorsum). In male genitalia vinculum shorter than 2.1 × length of valva................................................................................. 22

22. Larger (male forewing length 5.9‒7.1 mm) (Figs. 33, 34, 87). Male interocular index 1.0‒1.2, occipital distance 0.4‒0.5. In male antenna ventral side of scape without yellow spot. In male genitalia apical part of phallus forms prominent hook-shaped lobe; phallus at base of juxta with two large carinae, length of which is greater than 1.6 × maximum diameter of phallus (Figs. 120, 151) ................................................................................... N. gemmella

— Smaller (male forewing length 4.5‒5.6 mm) (Figs. 35, 36, 89). Male interocular index 1.4‒1.6, occipital distance 0.3‒0.4. In male antenna ventral side of scape with yellow spot. In male genitalia apical part of phallus does not form prominent hook-shaped lobe; phallus at base of juxta with multiple small carinae, largest of which is shorter than 1.3 × maximum diameter of phallus (Figs. 121, 152)......................................................................... N. neurias

23. Forewing with one or two light (yellow to ochreous) transverse band(s) consisting of scales of same colour (not from a mixture of differently coloured scales).......................................................................... 24

— Medial band of forewing fascia dark, approaching colour of apical part of forewing; if medial band light, then it is diffuse (formed by a mixture of pale yellow and dark brown scales).................................................. 31

24. Forewing with two transverse yellow bands (Fig. 65)...................................... N. athlophora (partim)

— Forewing with one transverse light (yellow to ochreous) band................................................ 25

25. Basal part of forewing with two transverse silver-grey stripes arising from costa. Male compound eyes moderately enlarged (interocular index 0.8; occipital distance 0.6) (Figs. 32, 876)......................................... N. atkinsonii

— Basal part of forewing without transverse silver-grey stripes. Male compound eyes greatly enlarged (interocular index 1.0‒1.7; occipital distance 0‒0.4).............................................................................. 26

26. Basal 0.7 of hindwing white, translucent, contrasting with dark coppery brown apical part............................. 26

— Entire hindwing grey to brown, opaque...................................................................... 28

27. Larger (male forewing length 8.7‒9.2 mm). Forewing metallic green, apical part unpatterned (Figs. 37, 38, 90).......................................................................................................... N. chrysoprasias

— Smaller (male forewing length 5.5‒5.7 mm). Forewing glossy golden, apical part with large diffuse spot formed by yellow and dark brown scales (Figs. 39, 91).................................................................. N. indica

28. Basal part of forewing bright yellow, with a distinct dark brown or silver-grey spot................................... 29

— Basal part of forewing dark brown, can be scattered with yellow scales, but without a distinct spot....................... 30

29. Smaller (forewing length 3.8 mm). Basal part of forewing with short dark brown costal spot (Figs. 40, 92)....... N. ceylonella

— Larger (forewing length 6.0‒ 7.2 mm). Basal part of forewing with long (reaching 0.25 × forewing length) silver-grey spot positioned at base of RS stem (Figs. 41, 42, 93)................................................................. N. scitulella

30. Yellow band of forewing fascia wide (0.14‒0.19 × forewing length). Vertex ochreous yellow (Figs. 43, 44, 93). Male compound eyes touch each other (occipital distance 0). Labial palpus short (0.3‒0.4 × vertical eye diameter). In male genitalia valvae not fused to vinculum (Figs. 126, 156)........................................................... N. chrysocrossa

— Yellow band of forewing fascia narrow (0.05‒0.10 × forewing length). Vertex dark brown (Figs. 45, 95). Male compound eyes do not touch each other; occipital distance 0.07. Labial palpus long (0.8‒0.9 × vertical eye diameter). In male genitalia valvae fused to vinculum (Figs. 127, 157).......................................................... N. amphimetalla

31. Forewing base with two longitudinal yellow stripes reaching 0.15‒0.25 × forewing length.......................... 32

— Forewing base without longitudinal yellow stripes.......................................................... 33

32. Male compound eyes enlarged (interocular index 1.0‒1.2) (Fig. 7)............................. N. engraptes (partim)

— Male compound eyes not enlarged (interocular index 0.6) (Figs. 47, 48, 97)............................ N. pyrotechna

33. Larger (male forewing length 9.2 mm). Medial band of forewing fascia dark, rust-coloured (Figs. 46, 96)..... N. ferruginea

— Smaller (male forewing length 5.8‒6.8 mm). Medial band of forewing fascia light, formed by a mixture of pale yellow and dark brown scales (Figs. 49, 98).................................................................. N. kashmirella

34. Hind wing almost entirely white. Labial palpus long (1.3‒1.6 × vertical eye diameter) (Figs. 50, 51, 99)................................................................................................... N. solstitiella (partim)

— Hind wing grey to brown. Labial palpus short (0.3‒0.9 × vertical eye diameter)................................... 35

35. Forewing fascia (measured at costa) narrow (<0.2 × forewing length), consists of medial yellow band bordered on both sides by narrow dark brown lines............................................................................ 36

— Forewing fascia (measured at costa) wide (> 0.4 × forewing length), consists of medial yellow band bordered on both sides by glossy silver-grey bands followed by dark brown bands (these dark brown bands can be diffuse or reduced to small spots at costa)............................................................................................. 37

36. Costal forewing margin outside fascia (at 0.65 × forewing length) with dark brown spot of variable size. Hindwing entirely brown with bronze lustre. Male interocular index 1.1‒1.4 (Figs. 52‒54, 100). In male genitalia apex of phallus bifurcate (Figs. 131, 161).............................................................................. N. fuscomaculella

— Costal forewing margin outside fascia without dark brown spot. Basal 0.7 of hindwing grey to light brown, semitranslucent, contrasting with dark coppery brown apical part. Male interocular index 0.9 (Figs. 57, 102). In male genitalia apex of phallus spoon-shaped (Figs. 133, 163)................................................................. N. fletcherella

37. Width of yellow band in forewing fascia similar to (or slightly narrower than) forewing width (Figs. 55, 56, 101). In male genitalia valva with straight ventral margin; phallus without articulated carinae or sinuate sclerotized processes (Figs. 132, 162)...................................................................................... N. nitidulella

— Width of yellow band in forewing fascia less than a half of forewing width. In male genitalia valva with prominent lobe on ventral margin; phallus with two articulated carinae or with two sinuate sclerotized processes........................ 38

38. Width of yellow band in forewing fascia at costa does not exceed 1.5 × width of any of two adjacent silver-grey bands. Labial palpus longer (0.55‒0.65 × vertical eye diameter). Male antenna longer (3.0‒3.4 × forewing length) (Figs. 59, 60, 104). In male genitalia tip of tegumen extends beyond tips of valvae; phallus with two thin, straight carinae (Figs. 135, 165).... N. pyrites

— Width of yellow band in forewing fascia at costa exceeds 2.5 × width of any of two adjacent silver-grey bands. Labial palpus shorter (0.30‒0.50 × vertical eye diameter). Male antenna shorter (2.1‒2.4 × forewing length) (Figs. 61, 62, 105). In male genitalia tips of valvae at about same level as tip of tegumen; phallus with two thick, apically hook-shaped, lateral processes (Figs. 136, 166) ........................................................................... N. smaragdaspis

39. Forewing unpatterned, uniformly light yellowish brown, with slight bronze iridescence. Male compound eyes not enlarged (interocular index 0.50‒0.55) (Figs. 58, 103).................................................... N. angustialata

— Forewing patterned. Male compound eyes enlarged (interocular index 1.0‒1.3)................................... 40

40. Both basal and apical halves of forewing brown, densely scattered with yellow scales; forewing pattern consists of one or two yellow spots located at dorsal and costal margins opposite to each other at 0.5‒0.6 × forewing length. Male labial palpus long (1.3‒1.6 × vertical eye diameter)........................................................ N. solstitiella (partim)

— Basal half of forewing yellow, with glossy golden and/or dark brown spots; apical half dark coppery bronze; forewing pattern is limited to basal (yellow) part and consists of glossy golden or glossy bronze spots or stripes. Male labial palpus short (0.4‒0.6 × vertical eye diameter)............................................................................... 41

41. Forewing without dark brown spots or lines; costal area of basal (yellow) half of forewing with four glossy silver spots (Figs. 63, 106). In male genitalia vinculum U-shaped; its proximal part of about same width as its distal part; apical part of phallus anchor-shaped, with three pointed arms directed anteriorly (Figs. 137, 167)...................................... N. chrysidias

— Forewing with dark brown spots or lines; basal (yellow) part of forewing with 5‒7 glossy silver to glossy golden spots located from costa to dorsum. In male genitalia vinculum V-shaped, width of its proximal part less than a half of width of its distal part; apical part of phallus directed posteriorly.......................................................................... 42

42. Basal half of forewing usually with five glossy bronze spots, which are clearly visible over yellow background (Figs. 64, 66, 107). In male genitalia phallus without horn-like carinae (Figs. 138, 168)...................... N. athlophora (partim)

— Basal half of forewing usually with seven glossy golden spots, which are almost indistinguishable from yellow background (Figs. 67, 68, 108). In male genitalia phallus with two horn-like carinae articulated at 0.7 × of its length (counting from the base) (Figs. 139, 169)......................................................................... N. costimaculella


Published as part of Kozlov, Mikhail V., 2023, Fairy moths of the genus Nemophora Hoffmannsegg, 1798 (Lepidoptera: Adelidae) of India and Sri Lanka, pp. 1-81 in Zootaxa 5300 (1) on pages 7-10, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5300.1.1,


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Nemophora Hoffmannsegg, 1798 sec. Kozlov, 2023