Published April 12, 2023 | Version 1.0
Project deliverable Open

Technology scoping paper


This deliverable is part of the UNLOCK-CEI project Work Package 4: Tech Developer Engagement, specifically Task 4.1: Portfolio supply coordination. The deliverable aims to provide an overview of the European Cloud-Edge-IoT continuum initiative and the project portfolio of Meta-Operating Systems for the Next Generation IoT and Edge Computing Cluster. To provide context for future development, this publication analyses existing technologies and previous initiatives that serve as a base for the EUCEI initiative.

Outlining the framework for CEI (Cloud-Edge-IoT) , technologies’ categories addressing the main challenges and solutions will be presented. The sectorial and market challenges are the basis for market needs which will be used throughout the UNLOCK-CEI project. Lastly, Understanding the current project cluster is the first essential step towards connecting the supply and demand sides of the continuum and market-ready technology developments which will benefit the ecosystem. The deliverable provides a table of use cases from the project portfolio to show the possible solutions to industry-related challenges

Overall, the deliverable is the starting point of creating the interface between demand and supply actors and successfully delivering valued projects.


This document contains information in the form of the UNLOCK-CEI project findings, work and products and its use is strictly regulated by the UNLOCK-CEI Consortium Agreement and by Contract no. 101070571. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the UNLOCK-CEI consortium and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission.


D4.1_UNLOCK-CEI_Technology Scoping Pape_V2.0.pdf

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European Commission
UNLOCK-CEI – Unlocking the Cloud Edge IoT demand potential in Europe 101070571