Published June 6, 2023 | Version v1.0.0
Software Open

Supplementary Material: code for the deployment of a simpy and streamlit model to dockerhub

  • 1. University of Exeter
  • 2. University of 'Exeter


A containerised computer simulation model - hospital efficiency project

Linked book chapter

The materials and data in this repository support:

  • Harper A, Monks T, Mansi S. (2023). Deployable Healthcare Simulations: Hybrid Methods for Combining simulation with Containerisation and Continuous Integration.

This is a book chapter in:

  • Hybrid Modeling and Simulation: Conceptualizations, Methods, and Applications 


The materials demonstrate the deployment of a simpy DES model with a streamlit frontend.  The work includes materials for creating a docker image and continuous integration and deployment to dockerhub. 

The model is reported here [![Read the Docs](]( using STRESS-DES guidelines:
[Monks et al. 2019](

Docker image



All dependencies can be found in `binder/environment.yml` and are pulled from conda-forge.  To run the code locally, we recommend install mini-conda; navigating your terminal (or cmd prompt) to the directory containing the repo and issuing the following command:

  • `conda env create -f binder/environment.yml`



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