Published April 6, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Self-Presentation and Self-Identification in the World of Ukrainian Stage Design from the Avant-Garde to the Present

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


In the article, the author aims to study the peculiarities of self-presentation and self-identification of Ukrainian stage design abroad on the example of certain artistic events from the times of the Ukrainian avant-garde to the present. The article outlines the global context of stage design development, draws parallels with the most interesting world names in the field of theatrical art, and indicates which events and creative projects Ukrainian artists have participated in at different times. Since the 20s and 30s of the 20th century, Ukrainian scenography has gained international recognition. The author also substantiates the beginning of Soviet isolation and the "thaw" in the 1960s. The article reveals the gradual self-identification of artists as Ukrainian rather than Soviet (Russian). Through the analysis of recent research in the field of scenography and the use of historical and art studies analysis, we can conclude that Ukrainian scenography has been able to achieve a full-fledged self-presentation only since independence. Scientific novelty. For the first time, the article reveals the aspect of Ukrainian stage design in terms of important events in this field and the participation of Ukrainian theatre artists in these events. The conclusions of the article allow scenography and theatre researchers to pay more attention to international events in this field and the participation of Ukrainian theatre artists in them In particular, from the first internationally recognised award, the Gold Medal of Vadym Meller, through the Soviet era and participation in the Prague Quadrennial and Vilnius Biennale to the present and the participation of Ukrainian artists in the Tbilisi Biennale and Prague Quadrennial since independence. We have a double task: to present Ukrainian stage design at international forums in a high-quality manner. And at the same time, to constantly identify our artists of the past as Ukrainian.



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