Music Management: Production System and Promotion in the Music Industry
Introduction. The music industry is an important component of show business, and to successfully operate in the field of aesthetic entertainment culture, it is necessary to study its activities as a system that includes music production, promotion, distribution, and consumption. Music management is a vital element of this system, as it manages processes related to musical works creation and dissemination. Purpose and methods. The purpose of the article is to study the system of musical works creating and promoting, as well as to evaluate the main methods, tools, and strategies in the music industry in the context of music management. The work is based on dialectical, empirical, systemic, and interdisciplinary approaches, which have allowed us to generalize the theoretical and practical achievements accumulated by society in the context of music management. Results. The essence of the music industry, particularly management, production, and promotion, has been revealed. The sequence of processes of a musical product on its path from creation to consumption has been identified. The peculiarities of production and promotional tools in the music industry have been determined. All types of music activities related to the creation, duplication, storage, reproduction, distribution, study, evaluation, and perception of musical works have been justified. Conclusions. The usage of the obtained results will significantly increase the competitiveness of the socio-cultural sphere through understanding the music industry as an organic structure of interconnected components, including creators, intermediaries, means of disseminating musical products, consumers, and direct musical works.
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