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Published April 28, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

صحیح البخاری کی احادیثِ مبارکہ سے استنباطِ احکام میں شیخ عبد الخالق کا منہج وأسلوب (غنیۃ القاری کے تناظرمیں) THE STYLE OF SHAYKH ABDUL-KHALIQ IN ELICITATION JURISPRUDENTIAL ISSUES FROM THE AHADITHS OF SAHIH AL-BUKHARI (IN THE CONTEXT OF GHUNYATUL-QARI)

  • 1. Ph.D. scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan.
  • 2. Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan.



Allah's book Qur'an and the blessed hadiths of his Messenger are the main sources of Sharia. Qur’an is the original and principle source and the hadiths are its explanations and interpretations. Along with this, it is also a fact that Allah blessed the Holy Prophet   with Jawame' Al-Kalem. It means that he was given the ability to convey more meanings and themes in fewer words. The jurists and scholars of hadith extracted the hidden rules and issues in the words of hadiths and preserved them in their books.

Maulana Abd al-Khaliq Bajuri is one of these scholars of hadith, who wrote a thick commentary on Sahih al-Bukhari, and in it he paid special attention to the explanation of the words of the hadiths and the debate on their authenticity, as well as the extraction of fiqhi rules. This is the subject of this article.


(139-149) صحیح البخاری کی احادیثِ مبارکہ سے استنباطِ احکام میں شیخ عبد الخالق کا منہج وأسلوب.pdf