Published May 30, 2022 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D4.3: Security assessment of cyberphysical flow of information in strategic, tactical and operational dimensions regarding DWC digital solutions


This report builds on D4.1 and D4.2 to provide digital solution providers and water utilities with the tools and means to perform security assessments of the cyber-physical flow of information in strategic, tactical, and operational dimensions. We developed a risk guide aiming at supporting water organisations in the implementation of a complete risk management process in order to increase the preparedness of water operators against potential cyber and/or physical threats connected to the digital solutions adopted. In addition, a series of security recommendations and best practices for technology providers are described. Two digital solutions served as use cases to test and validate the risk guide and the security black box testing methodology presented as part of the security recommendations. Overall, this document describes a full process for secure integration of digital solutions within water utilities.



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DWC – - Leading urban water management to its digital future 820954
European Commission