Musical and Noise Palette of the Soundtrack for Landscape Images in an Audiovisual Work
- 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine
The purpose of the study is to analyze the criteria for combining folk sound with modern sound, the peculiarities of its mixing and reproduction on the screen; to determine the pictorial properties of music and noise in audiovisual art; to explore the techniques and approach to working on a music album in the genre of folktronics, as well as its auxiliary properties in screen work. The research methodology is based on the following methods: theoretical – for analyzing publications related to the properties of sound in cinema; empirical – for systematizing one's own experience, determining techniques in the work of a sound producer on the composition of visual material; generalization – for drawing conclusions based on the literature; systematization, with the help of which the information block of the scientific research is collected and systematized in the context of technical and creative components regarding the properties of sound. Scientific novelty. For the first time, the possibilities of combining folk and electronic music with a virtual orchestra in the context of depicting soundscapes that will complement an audiovisual work, have been investigated and substantiated. For the first time, the concept of “soundscape” is illustrated in screen form through patterned abstractions, which allows the listener to imagine his or her picture through interactive and creative interaction; the subtleties of building such a landscape and its audio embodiment, the role of sound instruments in creating such work are described. The article reveals the possibilities of folktronica as an independent genre that combines folk sound with a modern sound, its combination with noises within the album, which are reproduced on the screen through visualization. Conclusions. The article analyzes the combination of folk and modern sound, identifies the visual properties of the musical and noise components, and their combination in the context of screen work. The technical aspect of working on the album is studied, and the importance of priority in the context of combining sound components in audiovisual art is emphasized. With the help of relevant sources, the main ideas concerning the audio aspect of the picture are emphasized.
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